Hello All,
I am writing to request your support to help me become the first member of Pi Kappa Phi to serve as Student Body President of the University of Florida.
I was recently named the Gator Party nominee to run as their candidate for office. As a fellow AE and an alumnus of UF, your support is critical to my success. If I am fortunate enough to attain this honor, not only will this improve the chapter’s overall standing with UF’s administration, but it also enhances our fraternity’s image across campus. Further, this will enable younger Pi Kapp brothers to become more actively involved on-campus. I truly believe that our active chapter will greatly benefit from having a representative on the Board of Trustees at UF as well as in the role of Student Body President.
To tell you a little about myself, I am currently a first-year law student at UF’s Levin College of Law. As an undergraduate, I served Pi Kappa Phi as Philanthropy Chairman and was a recipient of the Overton Memorial Award (2018) and the Paul Green Memorial Scholarship Award (2017). In 2017, I was an orientation leader with Preview, and I’ve been a member of the Florida Cicerones for the past four years. In Student Government, I founded an Executive Agency —The Class Councils— where I served as the Senior Class President, and I was elected to the Student Senate for three years. I am also a member of Florida Blue Key and an inductee into UF’s Hall of Fame.
Though I have been very active on campus, I have also been serious about my academics. I graduated from UF with a double major in Economics and Political Science with a 3.85 GPA.
As you might guess, successful student political campaigns are very expensive. Recent winning campaigns have cost upwards to twenty thousand dollars. In order to be successful, I need your financial support of my candidacy for Student Body President. The election will take place on February 19th and 20th, and I would appreciate any amount you can give and any advice you may have. If you are able to give, please make the check payable to Trevor for President, 8 NW 24th St Gainesville, FL 32607, and I also accept Venmo @trevpope.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at (352)-672-3469 or trevpope@ufl.edu.
Trevor Pope
University of Florida Class of '19
Levin College of Law Class of '22